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OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS Black

Termékinformációk "OpticGard for Holosun SCRS RD MRS Black"

The OpticGard Scope cover for the Holosun® SCRS offers protection against stray bullet casings and scratches. The intelligent cut allows the cover to fit most rear and suppressor sights. It also includes a detachable training lens which will allow you to use the red dot even in the sun or bright areas. Our scope covers are made from a material made from TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) offering protection from abrasion. In addition, the fast and simple installation allows easy access to the buttons without removing the cover. Finally, the interlocking pins secures the cover so it won't fall off even with heavy recoil from handgun slides.

Are you tired of taping your optic for occlusion training? Our removable training lens is the modern solution!

Note: Important Information

OpticGard Covers may not be compatible with backup sights that are mounted in front of the optic. Sufficient space is needed for the cover to latch onto the front of the optic housing. OpticGard will add approximately 0.08 inches (2mm) to the sides of the optic. If using in conjunction with a holster, please make sure there is sufficient spacing between the holster with the cover on.

  • Designed in den USA: Vollwertiger Optikschutz für Ihr Reflexvisier. Schützt vor Splittern, Kratzern, Patronenhülsen und Abnutzung.
  • Stoßhemmend: Die OpticGard Schutzabdeckung ist schockabsorbierend und kann dauerhaft installiert bleiben ohne die Schusswaffennutzung einzuschränken.
  • OpticGard-Schutzabdeckung mit präziser Kontur, die eine passgenaue Montage und vollen Zugriff auf die Bedienelemente ihres Reflexvisiers gewährleistet.
  • Enthält eine Trainingslinse für das unverzichtbare Okklusionstraining.
  • Schnelle, einfache und komplett werkzeuglose Installation/Deinstallation.

Main Data

  • EAN: 4055132032272
  • UPC: 688293031033
  • Vámtarifaszám: 90139005000

mechanikai paraméterek

  • Ház színe: Black

Termékinformációk biztonsága


Picotronic GmbH
56070 Koblenz
[email protected]

Felelős gazdasági szereplő

Picotronic GmbH
56070 Koblenz
[email protected]

Housing color: Black

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